George Frederick Kunz and the Magic of Jewels

Another probable source for Leadbeater’s writings on jewels was the work of George Frederick Kunz (1856-1932), an American mineralogist and mineral collector, author of over 300 articles and a number of books. See:

Curious lore

The Curious Lore Of Precious Stones Being A Description of Their Sentiments and Folk Lore, Superstitions, Symbolism, Mysticism, Use in Medicine, Protection, Prevention, Religion, and Divination, Crystal Gazing, Birthstones, Lucky Stones and Talismans, Astral, Zodical, and Planetary J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia and London 1913; Halcyon House, New York, 1938.

Digital version available on-line at:  Chapter X is devoted to “Planetary and Astral Influences of Precious Stones”.


 The Magic of Jewels and Charms Philadelphia London, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1915.

Digital version available on-line at:



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